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ABA to honor Amy Lorenz-Moser with Pro Publico Award

Amy Lorenz-Moser

Amy Lorenz-Moser, a partner with Armstrong Teasdale, will be recognized with one of five 2012 Pro Bono Publico Awards from the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service.

Lorenz-Moser, who for most of her adult life has provided pro bono legal counsel and representation to victims of domestic violence, will receive her award Aug. 6 at the Pro Bono Publico Awards Assembly Luncheon during the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago.

The Pro Bono Publico Awards honor individuals or organizations in the legal community that enhance the human dignity of others by improving or delivering volunteer legal services to the poor or disadvantaged.

Over the years, Lorenz-Moser has advanced the cause for clemency for domestic-violence victims through the Clemency Project, which focuses on the injustices that occur in domestic violence-influenced murder convictions. Most of those women, who committed acts of violence to protect themselves against their abusers, received life sentences without the possibility of parole for 50 years.  However, through the tireless efforts of Lorenz-Moser and others at the Clemency Project, several women were freed through pardon, parole or clemency.

Lorenz-Moser’s efforts have been recognized by Missouri Lawyers Weekly (Lawyer of the Year award, 2010); the Zonta Club of St. Louis (Yellow Rose Award for representation of abused women, 2012); the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (Spirit of Justice Award, 2011); and Webster University (Loretto Award for social justice, 2011).

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