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Through knowledge comes understanding

I attended a meeting in 2007 that contained a course on management of multi-generational workers. As a Traditionalist, I was a little shocked to hear that HR people are getting calls from parents of the Millennials wanting to know how ...

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We were lied to as children

On a recent vacation, a family member mentioned how the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible from the Moon. Everyone at the table had heard this years before, as children, so it passed without comment. That ...

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Kramer: The 'PRICE' is right

If you have the task of handling the professional liability insurance for your law firm, you are accustomed to calls, mailings and advertisements promising to save your firm money on your professional liability coverage. While saving money is important, there ...

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The ‘PRICE’ is right

If you have the task of handling the professional liability insurance for your law firm, you are accustomed to calls, mailings and advertisements promising to save your firm money on your professional liability coverage. While saving money is important, there ...

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Napier: Mac daddy First Amendment?

Around a month ago some members of the Kansas City Council expressed their shock and outrage at complaints about the Kansas City Power & Light District’s dress code. It seems that it targets black males. Or anyone who dresses like ...

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